Retrofitting is a term that has been used for a while in architecture and has a huge positive impact on a building’s energy performance. Interventions such as additional insulation, improved ventilation, heating and hot water system upgrades are well known but did you know that we use it the lighting industry? You can now easily replace lighting with energy efficient LED lights without the cost of stripping out and replacing the fittings.
Our colleagues at lighting manufacturer Optaled are champions of retrofit and at a recent meeting their MD Julian Birch explained its benefits:
“We know that if you’re a business owner or a decisionmaker, there’s nothing you want more than to save your company money. You may also be looking to lower your environmental footprint and help save the environment.
“Retrofitting can help you to save money and impact your bottom line positively – because good lighting increases employee productivity. By replacing the conventional lamps and ballasts in your existing light fittings with LEDs you can also lower energy consumption by up to 75%.”
“Add in lighting controls and energy consumption will go down even more – by as much as 90%. Implementing a lighting redesign from our LED retrofit range will provide a successful lighting solution and lead the way to a greener future. “
The benefits of retrofitting include:
Lower upfront costs – LED lighting is no longer as expensive as it used to be, especially if you choose retrofits. There will still be an initial investment, but much less so than for new LED fittings.
Retrofits are designed as direct replacements for conventional lighting technologies. Retrofit tray systems fit perfectly into existing fittings and offer all the benefits of LED technology for a fraction of the cost.
Reduced maintenance costs – Retrofit trays are easy to maintain as well as install and won’t have to be replaced before their lifetimes come to an end. LEDs also have very low maintenance costs as they have the longest lifespans of all lighting technologies. Their shortest lifespan is 50,000 hours, which means you can use them for years without having to replace them. They also retain 70% of their brightness for their entire lives.
Functionality – installing intelligent lighting system controls can also be part of a retrofit. They can provide all the energy savings benefits of a hardwired lighting control system without the need to rewire a space, minimizing design time and simplify the installation process.
With full control over the lighting experience, you can prioritise energy efficiency and support overall productivity.
If you are thinking of a retrofit for your office or commercial space, please contact us and we can specify the right solution for you.
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All images: Optaled